Taste the Style Interviews Marilyn Rondon


Taste the Style Interviews Marilyn Rondon

Interview by RAVEN ISHAK, Photos by: Vanessa Granda

One of the best perks about working at TTS is being introduced to some of the most courageous and motivating ladies in the world. And, while a lot of our Boss Babes are stationed in the Big Apple, today’s leading lady is a Venezuelan native who currently resides in one of our favorite cities in the country: Miami, Florida.

Aside from her stellar coordinates, Marilyn Rondon is a one-of-a-kind artist with a poetic background — it seems creativity just flows throughout her veins. But instead of succumbing to the typical 9-to-5 career, Rondon explored many avenues of mediums to help express her story — from zines, painting, and modeling to just name a few. Just like a rose, her narrative bloomed over time after overcoming many obstacles which she shares on her personal Instagram. And even after all the turmoils she has experienced, Rondon hustled her way to the top and has now created her first ever children’s book called Why Does Mommy Have Tattoos? Between being an artist, an author, a model, and an advocate for mental health, this beautiful boss babe is the multidisciplinary artist you need to check out ASAP.

We got to hang with Rondon in the East Village where we talked about her children’s book, her tattoos, and who her dinner date would be. Meet the stunningly beautiful, Marilyn Rondon.


Miami, Born in Venezuela though.

Current location:

Miami Beach, FL.

Birth sign:

Capricorn AF

Favorite throwback song?

Keith Sweat- Twisted

Instagram account you’re currently obsessed with?

Explore page, looking through memes.

If you could grab dinner with anyone, anywhere, where and who would that be?

Drake, somewhere fancy AF. I’d make him pay. Cause he’s the one.

You recently just created a beautiful children’s book called Why Does Mommy Have Tattoos? Can you tell us a little bit about it and how you came up with the idea to create it?

A few years ago, after curating a show with friends, the idea popped up when one of my friends suggest I write a children’s book based on what my illustrations were evolving into. After the conversation, I did some research and saw nothing was really out in the children’s book market about tattoos, so who better than a heavily tattooed woman to write an imaginative story explaining tattoos to children but myself. I’d worked as an assistant at a tattoo shop for years and had plenty of reference material so I was excited to be one of the first people to write a kids’ book explaining tattoos. I thought what an incredible opportunity.

Not only did you write Why Does Mommy Have Tattoos?, but you also have illustrated every image in the book. Why did you decide to have complete creative control? Were there any lessons you’ve learned along the way?

I come from an art background. I’ve been creating art since I was a child. My parents enrolled me in art magnet schools throughout my life so I’ve always been a “creative.” Illustrating the book was the fun part; writing it was difficult. That being said, I faced challenges because I had all of the illustrations done, and I created the font in the book, but I didn’t know how to actually write the story beginning to end. That was the greatest challenge of all, making the story make sense.

While exercising seems to be your jam, you’re also an advocate for strengthening your mind as well.  How do you try to blend those two world together to find help find balance between your personal life and jobs?

Exercise forces you to be connected with your mind and body. It’s the time you set aside in your day to focus on yourself and work on yourself. Exercising is my therapy session — whether it’s yoga, boxing, running on the treadmill, or going for a swim — it forces me to put my phone away and work with my mind and body to be present. It’s my time to put the entire world on hold, and work on keeping myself physically and mentally strong — everything else comes second.

Before you became a successful artist and entrepreneur, you hustled working a few jobs while in Miami. How do you feel that experience influenced you not only as an artist, but as female entrepreneurial, too?

I’ve always had to work extremely hard. Before I relocated to Miami, I lived in New York for eight years. The entire time I was an illegal immigrant. I had to work 2-3 jobs to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I’ve never had anyone catch me when I was falling, so I’ve applied that same energy into achieving my goals and accomplishing my dreams.

How would you consider the art world in Miami different from the art world in NYC?

In general, Miami and New York are very different cities. The people, the quality of living, the art. I couldn’t really explain the difference in the art scenes in both cities because I’ve never been involved in the art scene in any city that I’ve live in. I’m low key, I work alone and I don’t go to openings unless it’s a friends.

As someone who currently has a beautiful collection of tattoos herself, why do you feel it’s important to expose kids to this type of lifestyle at such a young age?

I think it’s important to expose children to all different kinds of things at a young age so they do not create prejudices. It’s important to explain things to small children and allow them to have an opinion of their own vs pushing certain views onto them — that’s where rebellion is born.

It seems you’ve dived into different types of publications from zines to painting to modeling. What other type of mediums do you hope to see yourself or your art present in in the near future?

I’d love to do some acting at some point in my life. Voice acting or playing a character in a movie. I’d love to create animations with my drawings or collaborate with more clothing brands, and as silly as it sounds, I’d love to walk a runway show at some point in my life. Shout out to short girls everywhere.

Advice for future Boss Babes?

Stay focused, don’t make excuses but take breaks. Allow yourself to suck at everything till you become good at it, do not compare yourself to other people, don’t listen to the haters and always look up, no matter how hard things get.

Need more Marilyn in your life? Check out the rest of Marilyn’s art by exploring her website and becoming friends with her on Instagram.